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5 Tips for How to Handle Unexpected Expenses

By: American Heritage07.02.19 Savings & Budgeting
There are unexpected expenses that we all endure, many of which seem to occur at the most inopportune times. While it’s impossible to know what’s ahead, the good news is that you have the ability to take control of your finances and better prepare yourself, and your wallet, for the unexpected. To help, we’ve outlined 5 ways to handle unexpected expenses.

How to Entertain on a Budget

By: American Heritage06.13.19 Culture Savings & Budgeting
Get-togethers with friends and family are often the biggest highlights of the summer. But if you’re the one hosting that graduation party, Fourth of July barbecue, or family reunion, you may also wind up with a big bill. Fortunately, your next gathering doesn’t have to be an expensive affair.

Having a Social Life – Even on a Budget

By: American Heritage05.21.19 Savings & Budgeting
Your budget doesn’t have to keep you from socializing. You just have to think about different ways to have fun with your friends. Remember, a budget isn’t really about dollars and cents. It represents what you want from life. With that in mind, here are a few money-saving ways to have a great social life without going broke.

How to Spend Less Money on Vacation

By: American Heritage05.09.19 Savings & Budgeting
If you’re like most Americans, you probably spend more money than intended when you’re on vacation. But it’s entirely possible to avoid overspending – and still have a great time – if you plan in advance. Whether you’ve booked inexpensive vacations over long weekends or a once-in-a-lifetime overseas extravaganza, our four simple steps to having fun on vacation while spending less are a blueprint for a stress-free time away.

When Should My Child Start Earning Money?

By: American Heritage05.02.19 Savings & Budgeting
When it comes to financial education, earning is learning. Whether your young child is getting an allowance, your 13-year-old makes money walking neighborhood dogs, or your older teen has a lead on an amazing summer job, seek out any opportunity to have meaningful discussions about financial literacy — especially the essential skills of saving, spending, giving, and planning.
Financial Mistakes in 20s

5 Financial Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s

By: American Heritage03.14.19 Savings & Budgeting
Your 20s are a time of discovery. That includes discovering how to make, spend, and save money (and be less dependent on Mom and Dad). But the journey toward understanding your finances can be a bumpy one. Here are five financial mistakes people often make in their 20s and how to avoid them.
Boat House Row in Winter

Fun Ways to Save Money in Philadelphia This Winter

By: American Heritage02.15.19 Savings & Budgeting
Did you make a resolution to save more money this year? Spending less is great, but it doesn’t mean you have to sit around at home. Philadelphia is full of exciting, inexpensive things to do – even in the middle of winter. Learn how to save money on your next outing with this guide to upcoming events and local favorites.



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