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A DIY Guide to Unsubscribing and Saving

By: Holly Benedetto02.27.20 Savings & Budgeting Culture
Subscriptions surround us. Our daily lives have shifted from making a one-time purchase to continually paying for content that promises to be the most convenient, most up-to-date, and, at one point, the most comprehensive. As the competition has grown, many of these larger companies have splintered off into individual apps with individual costs. Consider how many of these services may call you a subscriber.

Is Debt Consolidation Right for Me?

By: Holly Benedetto01.16.20 Savings & Budgeting Credit
Credit cards are a valuable tool for building credit, making large purchases, or earning rewards. Still, a tool this powerful must be used carefully to prevent avoidable or unmanageable amounts of debt. If you ever find yourself in deeper than expected, don’t worry – there are several ways to tackle credit card debt, one way being debt consolidation.

8 Things You Can Sell to Get Extra Cash (and Space)

By: American Heritage12.19.19 Savings & Budgeting Home & Mortgage
Is your home feeling a little cluttered? Want to get through the holidays, or start the new year, with a little extra cash in your pocket? If there are unused or seldom-used items taking up space in your home, consider selling them. Whether you’re purging your attic, decluttering your whole house, or getting ready to move, periodically selling off old things helps you simplify your lifestyle while earning quick cash – sometimes more than you might expect.
Young man talking to young woman about problems

5 Ways to Avoid Awkward Money Dilemmas

By: American Heritage10.24.19 Savings & Budgeting
Few things are as important as our relationships with friends and family. The last thing you want is for money issues to get between you and your loved ones. While it’s a wonderful thing to be there for a friend, awkward money dilemmas can put your relationships in jeopardy if you aren’t careful. Here are a few common situations you may encounter, and ways to handle them.
Family putting coins into a piggy bank

8 Fun Ways to Teach Your Child About Money

By: American Heritage10.17.19 Savings & Budgeting
As adults, the ways that we spend, save, and manage our money can be serious business. But as kids, this doesn’t have to be the case. Whether your child is taking their first steps or saving for their first big purchase, teaching children about money often works best when you add some fun and games to the experience.
Senior couple walking their dog in a beautiful autumn park

Want a Comfortable Retirement? Start Saving Now.

By: American Heritage10.10.19 Savings & Budgeting Investing & Retirement
It’s easy to put off saving for retirement. Everyday expenses like rent and groceries take precedence over something that’s decades away. And other savings goals like a new car or a down payment on a house are more exciting (and feel more tangible) than retirement. But starting to save for retirement when you’re young will make saving enough money to enjoy a comfortable retirement much easier. Here's why.
Senior couple laughing together

Estate Plans: Why They're Important & How to Create Yours

By: American Heritage09.24.19 Savings & Budgeting
Planning for your personal assets and end-of-life decisions is one of the most important things you can do for your family – and your finances. If you are putting off creating your estate plan, it’s time to stop procrastinating. When you understand estate planning essentials, and have the right professional guidance, the process can be relatively quick and straightforward.

4 Ways to Protect Your New Car

By: American Heritage09.17.19 Savings & Budgeting Auto
Owning a vehicle can cost thousands of dollars per year, so it’s important to take steps to protect yourself from unexpected expenses. Having the right insurance and other forms of coverage can help you avoid the stress and financial burdens that result from an accident, breakdown, or theft. If you have a new car or are shopping for one now, here are four valuable coverage options that can help you worry less and enjoy your vehicle more.
A traffic jam on the highway

7 Ways to Save Money on Your Commute

By: American Heritage09.05.19 Savings & Budgeting Auto
Home is where the heart is, but it is not always near where the job is. The average American’s commute takes 26.9 minutes, with more than 14 million Americans spending an hour or more traveling to work. A longer commute often means more money spent on gas and on car repairs. Here are 7 ways to stop a long commute from cutting into your budget.

Should You Choose a Secured or Unsecured Loan?

By: American Heritage08.15.19 Savings & Budgeting
Life takes money. And sometimes, it takes a lot of money at once. Whether you are planning a wedding, updating your kitchen, or fixing your car, having affordable access to cash is often essential. After all, you don’t want to wipe out your savings. When it’s time to look for a loan or line of credit, one of the first questions to ask is: secured or unsecured?
Young nurse interviewing for a hospital job

5 Facts that Show How Education Leads to Better Pay

By: American Heritage08.08.19 Savings & Budgeting
We all want to live comfortably and build a secure financial future. Whether you’re supporting yourself or a big family, you deserve this financial freedom. Unfortunately, earning a good salary can be a challenge for many Americans. In today’s competitive job market, being a skilled and valuable employee is the best way to ensure a great paycheck. And this usually depends on a great education.

How to Finance Your Next Vehicle

By: American Heritage07.11.19 Savings & Budgeting Auto
We all need reliable, affordable transportation. For many of us, an auto loan is essential when it’s time to buy our next new or used vehicle. The type of financing you choose and the lender you turn to for your loan is a bigger deal than you might think.



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